Jack3D and all products containing the ingredient DMAA have been banned in Australia due to the adverse health effects associated with using the product. Australian authorities have banned the sports supplement ingredient DMAA because of its’ potentially lethal side-effects. DMAA is a stimulant sometimes used in pre-workout sports supplements to give people the feeling of extra energy or an adrenaline-like high. It has been linked to side-effects including high blood pressure, headaches, vomiting, stroke and death.

Sports supplement products that have tested positive for DMAA included Noxpump; 3-D explosion; Beta-Cret; PreSurge; 1 MR; Cyroshock; Jack3D; Mesomorph; Neurocore; Oxyelite powder and Hemo Rage Black. And while DMAA is not addictive, the problems that it causes by increasing the heart rate has led to a number of emergency-room presentations and deaths: earlier this year, the WA State Coroner found that a mine worker died from taking DMAA, which he had bought over the Internet.
The Academy of Fitness offers continuing education courses (CEC’s) on sports supplements and other fitness related topics, specifically designed to meet the needs of fitness professionals working in today’s fitness industry. Check out the range of CEC courses at: www.qaf.com.au